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篇名 後進者的全球化--東南亞臺灣企業地域生產網絡的建構與對外投資經驗
卷期 28:4、28:4
並列篇名 Latecommer's Globalization: Taiwan's Experiences in FDI and Reproduction of Territorial Production Networks in Southeast Asia
作者 周素卿陳東升
頁次 421-459
關鍵字 經濟全球化全球在地化對外投資臺商地域生網絡Economic globalizationGlocalizationForeign direct investmentLocal production networkTransnational corporationsTSSCI
出刊日期 200112




     This paper aims at discussing the characteristics of Taiwan's foreign direct investment in Southeast Asia. It tries to illustrate that Taiwan is a latecomer, but plays a specific role, in the process of economic globalization. Her experience in FDI, has been characterized by the internatinalization of production activities, which can be named as a defensive FDI, since the late 1980s. therefore, how Taiwanese enterprises rebuild their local production networks in foreign manufacturing sites is an illustrative model for the globalization engendered by a newly industrialized country, such as Taiwan. This paper uses Taiwan enterprises on our different industries in different Southeast Asia countries to compare their strategies of building local production network along with their FDI. The results show that heterogeneities exist not only among enterprises, but also among areas. This is a reflection of how Taiwan enterprises mobilize their limited resources intertwining with how they adapt to the local environment. It is an experience of glocalization exercised by Taiwan enterprises in Southeast Asia countries as well.
