
都市與計劃 TSSCI

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篇名 視覺資源經理系統在國家風景區之建構--以日月潭國家風景區為例
卷期 28:1、28:1
並列篇名 Applying Visual Resource Management to Scenic Management System--A Case Study of Sun-moon Lake National Scenic Area
作者 侯錦雄林宗賢
頁次 69-83
關鍵字 視覺資源經理地理資訊系統視覺景觀美質Visual resource managementGeographic information systemsVisual landscape qualityTSSCI
出刊日期 200104


     本研究嘗試將視覺資源經理之概念,導入國內國家風景區之利用與管理機制中,希望藉由視覺資源經理目標之設定,進一步確保國家風景區中獨特視覺資源並建構有效之景觀管制制度,以達資源永續利用。 本研究利用地理資訊系統為分析工具來進行日月潭國家風景區視覺資源與圖形衍生資料之處理、套疊與運算,研究結果顯示日月潭國家風景區整體景觀資源呈現鄉野山林之特質,未來經理目標應朝向「保持」與「修飾」,以維持景觀之協調;而環潭湖域之景觀資源品質則相當獨特,應建立類似都市設計之審議制計之審議制度,確實檢討各類型土地使用分區;而某些單元受人為不當開墾或遭受破壞者,則應確實加以「保持」與「保護」來維持與改善整體國家風景區之風景品質。


     This paper examines the concept of visual resource management (VRM) and tries to apply the concept to the mechanism of land uses management in national scenic area. It also focuses on the relationship between the unique landscape resources and relative to visual quality objectives (VQO). Further, by establishing the VQO, the results provide the perspective of formulate visual control guideline to protect the unique landscape resources. By the technologies of geographic information systems (G.I.S), we can capture, store, update, manipulate, analyze and display geographically referenced landscape and mapped data of Sun-Moon Lake National Scenic Area. The results are also indicated that the visual integrity of Sun-Moon Lake National Scenic Area combines the characteristics of lake and forest landscape, and the VQO is set up to the
