
都市與計劃 TSSCI

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篇名 廟宇文化空間與社群互動之關係--三峽清水祖師廟的個案研究
卷期 28:1、28:1
並列篇名 The Relationship between Temple Cultural Space and Community Interaction: A Case Study of Ching-shoei Tzuu-shuey Temple in Sanhsia
作者 林政逸辛晚教
頁次 107-125
關鍵字 廟宇文化空間社群互動空間依附Temple cultural spaceCommunity interactionSpace-adhesionTSSCI
出刊日期 200104


     長久以來,廟宇為地方藝文、民間信仰、知識所累積而成的空間,與地方發展有著密不可分的關係,廟埕則為傳統文化展演、社群互動所發生的重要場域,亦是常民活動的文化空間。隨著社會解構下,都市規劃部門忽視廟宇文化空間內涵,視其為非正式部門空間,政府輕率從規劃過程將廟埕徵收為道路而破壞廟宇之完整性,衍生出眾多廟宇活動與空間衝突的課題。而傳統空間規劃研究將焦點關注於廟宇的實質空間課題,極少觸及空間和社群互動之關係,因而無法深入探討空間背後的社會文化內涵。 本研究以空間結構理論與人類學為基礎,從歷史與文化的觀點探究「廟宇文化空間」與「社群互動」之關係。藉由歷史發展脈絡中,釐清廟宇與地方發展之辯證關係,並從三峽清水祖師廟的個案研究過程,探究廟宇文化空間與社群互動之文化與空間意涵,並推演出兩者之解釋範型。


     For a long time, temple is the place in which the local culture, folk belief and knowledge accumulated. Further more, Temple-court is a space where cultural and community interaction performs. With the era of the social de-structure process, there are many physical problem in the city that derives from the disregard of the connotation of temple cultural space in the Institution of Urban Planning and the completeness of temple are destroyed. Most studies of urban planning which are related with temple and focus their discussions on physical problem. There are few discussions that deeply discuss the relationship between
