
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 多向度完美主義對國中生使用正、負向學習策略之預測效應
卷期 33:1
並列篇名 The Predicting Effects of Multidimensional Perfectionism on Junior High Students’ Use of Positive vs. Negative Learning Strategies
作者 施淑慎
頁次 99-118
關鍵字 avoidance of help seekingcognitive strategy useadaptive vs. maladaptive perfectionism逃避求助認知調整策略適應性 vs. 不適應性完美主義TSSCI
出刊日期 201003




By conceptualizing perfectionism as a multidimensional construct, the present study attempted to explore the relations of the interpersonal (parental expectation and parental criticism) as well as intrapersonal (personal standards, order and organization, doubting the quality of one’s performance, and concern over making mistakes) dimensions of perfectionism to 481 eighth-grade students’ use of cognitive strategies and help-avoidance tendencies. Results from the present study indicated that: (1) parental expectation positively predicted both adaptive and maladaptive perfectionism. Parental criticism negatively predicted adaptive perfectionism, whereas the very predictor was positively associated with maladaptive perfectionism. (2) Variables including personal standards and an emphasis on order and organization positively predicted students’ use of cognitive strategies, whereas parental criticism negatively predicted this outcome
variable. Both personal standards and an emphasis on order and organization negatively predicted help avoidance, whereas parental criticism and doubting the quality of one’s performance positively predicted students’ reluctance to seek academic help. Implications for counseling practices and future research are discussed.
