
都市與計劃 TSSCI

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篇名 山坡地土地利用管理制度之擬議
卷期 18:1
並列篇名 a Proposal of Land Use Management System for Hillside Land
作者 林建元林將財毛正羽
頁次 59-81
關鍵字 山坡地hillside land成長管理growth management土地利用管理land use managementTSSCI
出刊日期 199110




In addition to the ideological argument of economic efficiency and social equity issues, the newly added environmental concern has made urban planning theory more and more complicated. Although there are many different arguments, regarding future research directions, one thing is widely agreed that in addition to traditional planning theory and methodology, planning research should focus more on policy analysis for the public welfare. Recognizing such a trend in research needs, the management problem of hillside land use is especially in need of policy analysis.

Hillside land comprises about 65% of total land area in Taiwan, however, it is often averlooked in land use policy analysis. Based on the concept of growth management, this paper analyzes related existing regulations on hillside land development managemant, and recommandations are proposed to related decision makers.
