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篇名 邁向二十一世紀的全方位教育發展策略
卷期 8
並列篇名 The study of the holistic educational development strategy towards Twenty─first century
作者 廖春文
頁次 1-31
關鍵字 後工業社會二十一世紀全方位教育發展策略
出刊日期 200012


一、 在教育發展理念建構方面
1. 加強教育發展的行動研究。
2. 重視教育的未來趨勢探索。
3. 加強整體的系統思考能力。
4. 建立終生學習的教育理念。
二、 在教育發展實際運作方面
1. 綜合漸進與理性變革策略。
2. 加強組織成員的民主溝通。
3. 兼顧組織目標與個人需求。
4. 營造有利創新的組織氣氛。
三、 在教育發展策略內涵方面
1. 教育目標訂定全人化。
2. 課程內容發展多元化。
3. 教學策略模式活性化。
4. 教師進修發展終生化。
5. 行政組織運作彈性化。


Based on research conclusion, the following suggestions were provided.
Idea construction of Educational Development
1. to enhance Action Research of Educational Development.
2. to emphasis future trends of Educational Development
3. to strengthen system thinking ability of Educational Development.
4. to build educational idea of lifelong learning.
Practical operation of Educational learning.
1. to integrate the strategies of increment and rationality.
2. to enhance democratic communication of organization members.
3. to balance the organizational goal and individual needs.
4. to build creative organizational climate.
Strategical contents of Educational Development
1. to order holistic educational development goal.
2. to develop plural curriculum content.
3. to energize teaching strategies doe.
4. to initiate lifelong learning and training for teachers.
5. to improve the flexibilities of administrative implementation.
