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篇名 國小校長學校生活的參與觀察──一所國小校長處理學校臨時事務之研究
卷期 11
並列篇名 A Qualitative Study of an Elementary Principal’s School Life
作者 李鴻章
頁次 77-101
關鍵字 國小校長qualitative researchschool lifeelementary principal質性研究參與觀察學校生活校長
出刊日期 200312




What this study reveals is how complicated a principal’s task is, in that he must deal with a great number of incidental events, in addition to his normal duties as principal. The purpose of this qualitative study was to richly describe the daily work and experience of an elementary principal.
The research design used in this study was a descriptive and hermeneutic study of an elementary principal involved in the field. The interviews laid a foundation by which to collect and analyze the evidence about the principal’s behavior. The observations of the principal facilitating the work provided data on the principals’ school life.
The findings emphasized that the daily tasks of an elementary principal are myriad and complicated. Results of this study indicated that an elementary principal’s time of administrative decision making is about 5hours a workday.
