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篇名 九年一貫課程哲學意涵之可能性分析
卷期 11
並列篇名 The Philosophical Possibility of The Nine year Joint Curriculum
作者 許芳懿
頁次 131-147
關鍵字 課程改革philosophythe Nine year Joint Curriculumcurriculum reform哲學九年一貫課程
出刊日期 200312




In Taiwan, education reform proceeds violently for the recent years. The “Nine Year Joint Curriculum” is the most notable part due to its strong change in curriculum structure and the government de-powered to local authority and school. But curriculum is not free-value, so this article explores the features of the “Nine Year Joint Curriculum” from the different philosophical viewpoints, just as Constructivism, Empiricism, Naturalism, Progressivism, Reconceptualism, Modernism, Post modernism, and Aestheticism. Finally, the author also suggests the contradictions from the conexistence of the different philosophy in the “Nine Year Joint Curriculum”.
