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篇名 一幅課程改革實施現場的圖像
卷期 9
並列篇名 A Picture of Curriculum Integration in NCPEC
作者 郭玉霞許淑玫
頁次 95-116
關鍵字 九年一貫課程curriculum integrationcurriculum reformNCPEC課程統整課程改革
出刊日期 200112




The purpose of this paper is to investigate the praxis of curriculum integration in “Nine─year Curriculum Program for Compulsory Education(NCPEC)”. This paper focuses on constructing a picture of curriculum integration from the perspective of textbooks, school teachers and administrators as well as the educational administration office. The authors attempt to understand administrators as well as the educational administration office. The authors attempt to understand the schools’ praxis and paradox during educational reform, explore the factors which influence the curriculum integration, and provide suggestions through reflection on whole integrated curriculum.
There are three main unpredictable outcomes derived from the implementation of curriculum integration.(1)This curriculum reform has gradually become the task of textbook publishers.(2)The educational administration office could not adopt deregulation.(3)The change and the unchanged coexist in the filed. Moreover, the hope of educational reform comes from teachers’ attitude toward their ideal vision. We invite you support people’s growth constantly in educational reforms with their love and tolerance.
