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篇名 屏東地區山地原住民單親學童角色認知與社會適應之研究
卷期 9
並列篇名 A Study of Roles Cognition and Social Adaptation of Aboriginal Single ─ parent Children in the Mountainous Regions in Pingtung
作者 張明麗
頁次 259-276
關鍵字 山地原住民social adaptationrole cognitionsingle─parent childrenaboriginal in the mountainous regions社會適應角色認知單親兒童
出刊日期 200112




The purpose of this study was to investigate the role cognition and social adaptation of aboriginal single─parent children in the mountainous regions in Pingtung. The subjects were 100 single─parent children in the fifth and the sixth grades in the elementary schools in the mountainous regions. The methods of collecting data were “The role cognition questionnaire” and “Children social adjustment inventory” One─way MANOVA, one─way ANOVA, t─test, Pearson r, and Multiple Regression were presented. This article future discussed the suggested these results in details.
