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篇名 國民小學課程改革歷程中學校領導者的挑戰──一位校長的教學領導行動研究報告
卷期 10
並列篇名 Challenges Brought by the Instructional Leadership at One Elementary School: A Principal’s Action Research Report
作者 郭玉霞蔡因吉
頁次 43-61
關鍵字 行動研究Professional autonomyInstructional leadershipAction research專業自主教學領導
出刊日期 200212


一、 校長的教學領導會遭遇行政控制與教師專業自主的衝突問題。
二、 教師對組織運作的認同度、教師彼此的個性以及同儕制約等個別因素,對校長的教學領導工作有很大的影響。
三、 學校會議研討的運作機制,會受教師參與態度的影響,少數極端意見容易在多數沉默下成為共同的結論,行程學校領導者的困擾與挑戰。
四、 學校領導者傳遞的訊息與團體成員的解讀有一定的落差,溝通不良極易行程領導者與教師衝突的導火線。
五、 領導者過度的技術、目標導向,過度強勢的行政規範會破壞團隊成員的氣氛,導致團隊的崩解。


This action research addressed the challenges brought by a principal who executed the instructional leadership at one elementary school. This principal conducted this action research, documented the whole process, and analyzed factors which contributed the failure part about his staff.
The researcher made the following conclusions:
1. Principal’s instructional leadership brought the conflicts between bureaucratic control and teacher’s professional autonomy.
2. Teachers’ commitment, personality, and peer reinforcement made great impact on the whole process and the results.
3. The information provided by the principal was comprehended differently by the staff. The gap between principal’s intention and staff’s comprehension caused conflicts between principal and staff.
4. This principal’s overemphasizing the technical and objectives-oriented approach destroyed the climate of school and further induced staff collapse.
