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篇名 國小教師數學學習信念之研究
卷期 10
並列篇名 Elementary School Teachers’ Beliefs about Learning Mathematics
作者 莊淑琴
頁次 207-225
關鍵字 數學學習信念建構主義數學學習
出刊日期 200212


"本研究旨在於了解國小教師對於數學學習信念之現況。研究分成二個階段進行,第一階段採問卷調查法,以嘉義縣、市國民小學教師為母群體,以分層叢集抽樣的方式抽取有效樣本共 445人,以研究者自編「國小教師數學學習信念調查問卷」來了解國小教師數學學習信念的現況;第二階段以訪談方式探究不同數學學習信念的教師,其信念內涵為何,以立意取樣,根據受試者的意願,挑選出得分高分組與低分組的教師各三位,進行訪談。
(一) 整體而言,國小教師數學學習信念是傾向於建構觀。
(二) 國小教師數學學習信念因教師的性別、服務年資、畢業系別及任教年級之不同而有顯著的差異。
(三) 持建構學習觀的教師反對死背公式,鼓勵學生用自己的方法解題,實施分組討論活動。持傳統學習觀教師強調計算能力及精熟學習,認為只要能得高分的解法就是最好的。\"


The purpose of this study was to understand elementary school teaches’ beliefs about learning mathematics. Data were collected through two phases. In the first phase, the instrument “Elementary School Teachers’ Beliefs about Learning Mathematics” was employed. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, one─way ANOVA. In the second phase, the semi─structured interview format was used to investigate six elementary school teachers’ beliefs of learning mathematics.
Data analysis revealed the following results:
(1) In general, the elementary school teachers hold a constructive view of learning mathematics.
(2) Elementary school teachers’ beliefs about learning mathematics were significantly different by sex, service age, record of formal schooling, the grade of their teaching.
(3) Those who hold a constructive view of learning mathematics thought that teachers need to emphasize cooperative learning. In contrast, those who hold a traditional view of learning mathematics emphasize memorizing formulas and algorithms.
