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篇名 我國科學教育改革的新動向
卷期 6
並列篇名 A New Trend of Science Education in Taiwan
作者 蘇育任
頁次 21-45
出刊日期 199812




When the twenty─first century is dawning nearer and nearer, people in Taiwan have aired their views that science curriculum should be revised and re─designed to cope with urgent needs due to societal change and modern developments. Building on the local and community based education, students are to develop prospective orientation and cosmopolitan attitude. “Should─centered” approach should be adopted so that students are motivated to actively learn, think, create and solve problems, and , in the long run, they will be able to acquire the habits of mind of value clarification and value judgment.
Such radical change calls for integrating curriculum with learning materials and teaching methods. Constructivistic learning should be addressed to enhance sense─making, and issue─based strategy in connection with the interaction among science, technology and society should be taken to promote students’ literacy. STS educational movement has been demonstrated to have the potential of successfully putting new science curricula into effect in accordance with the empirical findings evidenced from the Group Research Project of STS Teacher Education under the financial support from the National Science Council.
This article starts by reviewing the current science education reform all over the world, and then investigates the main goals of science education for the different levels in our schools. Subsequently, a large section has been devoted to describe how the STS movement in science education has been carried out in terms of empirical research and teaching practices in the Republic of China on Taiwan. In the last section, many practical methods and feasible suggestions have been offered to all those who are highly interested in the STS teaching and learning. Further action research should be done to seek possible ways of implementing the STS curriculum in different levels of school science in Taiwan.

