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篇名 訊息處理模式向的學習研究對教學的啟示
卷期 6
並列篇名 Instructional Implications of the Findings of the Studies Based on the Information ─ Processing Model
作者 鄭婉敏
頁次 65-79
出刊日期 199812




The information─processing model was introduced first in this paper. Then results of studies on learning based on the model were described. Following the descriptions of the findings of the studies examined, personal insights about instruction and suggestions that teachers can do within the contexts of instruction were proposed. The model deals with the topics of the acquisition and the use of knowledge. Man is regarded as a symbolic manipulator through the interaction of mental operations of sensory memory, short─term memory, and long─term memory according to the model. Sine instruction is relate to the acquisition and the use of knowledge, it is surely that instructional guidelines can be derived from the findings of the studies based on the model. Concrete doings about implementing these guidelines were discussed at the end of the paper.

