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篇名 建構主義式教育的迷思與省思
卷期 5
並列篇名 The Myths and Reflections upon the Constructivistic Education
作者 蘇育任
頁次 121-140
出刊日期 199706


過去二十多年其成就不少,但是在學習科學上十分新穎的觀點,或學習吾人絲毫不熟悉的事物時,則建構主義即無法進行「再描述」的功能。它似乎能提出各種教學策略,使其得以被辯認為建構主義的理論,可惜建構主義卻未能描繪學習的歷程。建構主義教學法的危險,卻在其假設它已對所有學生提供了改進的學習策略。事實上它的主要優點是在於提供另外一種替代方案而已。亦即對束縛於灌輸教學模式的教師提出挑戰,讓他們有多元、多種類的教學方案而已。 學習型態方面的研究證據說明,由於學生的偏好各自不同,在教導與學習上也就沒有單一有效的方法,一昧地強調科學的概念發展,對所有孩童並不合適。相反地,科學教應當發展出許多教學方法,可適合懷有不同目的之顧客的需求。


A large body of empirical research has been done in the paradigm of constructivism over the past two decades, however understanding the nature of constructivistic teaching is still difficult. This paper is thus aimed at offering a comprehensive critique of constructivism in science education which addresses not only the successes of constructivistic teaching, but also defines and identifies its weaknesses.
Essentially, the types of alternative learning strategies it offers, and has generated, have made an important contribution to our understanding of the learner and learning. It has stimulated substantial empirical data and proved teachers’ knowledge and understanding of children’s scientific thinking, its origins and its development.
In its maturity, any theory may show features of its success at the same time as features which could spell its fall from fashion. Seen from one side, the existence of constructivistic teaching reinforces the constructivistic theory. From another side, teaching is found to be irreconcilable with it. At heart, many seminal failings of cosntructivistic education seen to suggest that it offers no guidance on adjudication between theories, the organization and sequencing of content within the science curriculum and rejects any value for didacticism.
Mature constructivism tends to abrogate all avenues of research to itself. But no single perspective is ever likely to provide a final description of science education. If constructivistic teaching obscures other educational perspectives, either by its popularity or its blandness, that could be damaging. Constructivism is flawed because it fails to comet o grips with issues such as culture or power in the classrooms.
In summary, an improved science education will only come through the critical review of arguments and research evidence, by the adoption of a pedagogy which places a value on variety and diversity, and not through adherence to a singular school of thought.

