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篇名 國小兒童家庭因素、情緒困擾對成就與適應影響之分析研究
卷期 2
並列篇名 The Impact of Family Factors and Emotional Disturbance on Achievement and Adjustment of Primary School Students
作者 魏麗敏
頁次 149-176
出刊日期 199406


1. 除年級變項外,本研究所考慮的三組變項中,多數具有顯著相關。
2. 不同性別受試者在家庭環境、父親關懷、母親權威與母親關懷上有顯著差異;此外,女生的家戲的環境較佳、父親的關懷較高、母親的權威與關懷亦較高。
3. 不同家庭社經水準的兒童在家庭環境、父親關懷與母親關懷三個變項得分上有顯著不同。
4. 家庭環境較佳的兒童之憂鬱較低,但焦慮較高;而其國語與數學成就較佳,生活適應狀況較為良好。
5. 高低不同父母權威與關懷組的受試兒童,在成就與適應下有所差異。
6. 較少憂鬱,較低孤獨,而焦慮較高組別兒童的成就較高,而且生活適應較佳。
7. 有五個先生變項對兒童的憂鬱具有顯著預測作用,分別有四個變項對兒童的孤獨與焦慮有顯著預測作用。
8. 有七個先在變項與歷程變對高低國語成就具有顯著區別作用,有八個主要變項對高低數學成就具有顯著區別作用;另有十一個變項對高低生活適應具有顯著區別作用。三種區別分析均有甚高的分組正確率。


"The main purpose of the study was to explore the impact of family factors and emotional disturbance on achievement and adjustment of primary school students. Three set of variables were considered in this study. Prestage variables were gender, grades, social─economic status, father’s autority, father’s concerns, mother’s authority, and mother’s loneliness, and anxiety, included depression, loneliness, and anxiety, while product variables were Reading and Mathematics Performance and adjustment. Siljects, totally 1,022 students drawn from 14 Primary schools, were evaluated by Family Environment Scale, Father’s Child─Rearing Attitudes Scale, Depression Scale, Loneliness Scale, Anxiety Scale, and Personality Scale for Primary School Students. The data obtained in the study were analyzed by Pearson Correlation, ANOVA, Step─wise Regression, and Discriminate Analysis. The main results were got as follows:
1. Variables of prestage , process and product showed mostly significant relationships among them except grade variables.
2. There had gender differences in family environment, father’s concern, mother’s authority and mother’s concern. Furthermore, girls had better family environment, higher father’s concern, and other’s authority and concern.
3. Subjects had different family environment, father’s concern, and mother’s concern depending on their family social─economic status.
4. Subjects in better family environment had lower depression, and better Chinese, Mathematics performance, and adjustment as well, but higher anxiety.
5. There were different achievement and adjustment between high and low parents’ authority and concern.
6. Children with lower depression, lower loneliness, and higher anxiety showed better, and higher anxiety showed better achievement and adjustment.
7. There has five prestage variables could predict children’s depression, and four prestage variables is significantly predicting children’s loneliness and anxiety.
8. There has seven prestage and process variables to discriminate high and low Mathematics achievement. Moreover, eleven variables could discriminate high and low adjustment significantly.
Some suggestions with respect to children’s education and guidance were made according to the results in the study."

