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篇名 影響我國學校宗教教育政策之歷史因素的探討
卷期 2
並列篇名 The Study of the Historical Factors Influencing the Policies of Religious Education of Schooling in Taiwan R.O.C.
作者 黃隆民
頁次 191-211
出刊日期 199406


我國歷來隱然採取「政治與宗教分離」的立場來處理政教關係,在學校教育與宗教間的關係上,也採取「教育與宗教分離」的 原則。因此有關「宗教教育」這個主題,在臺灣地區多年來一直是受到政府主管教育當局的忽略。邇來臺灣地區宗教團體的活動及其影響力日漸活躍,社會各界有鑑於提倡高品質精神生活實屬必要,也紛紛主張重視並利用宗教的教化與指引人生的功能。宗教除了可以和社會教育結合之外,其與學校教育間的關係也值得吾人予以重視。本研究的目的即在針對我國學校宗教教育的政策之制定,就其歷史因素做初歩的探討。即從我國知識份子宗教上的意識形態及我國近代歷史上對宗教的態度與政策,分別分析兩者對我國宗教與教育及其政策間關係的影響。最後並以我國現階段宗教教育的發展及其趨勢做為結論。


"Separatism has not only been taken on the relationship between politics and religion but also between schooling and the latter in Taiwan R.O.C.. The theme of religious education was therefore neglected by the educational authority in government.
Recently, the activities of religious groups and their influence has been increased gradually. For the necessity of spiritual life, the nurturing and guiding functions of religion to people have also been highly regarded in Taiwan. In addition to the connection of religion and social education, the relationship between religion and schooling should be noticed, too.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors influencing the relationship between education, its policies and religions from the points of intellectuals’ ideology on religion on one hand and the attitudes and policies of government on religion on the other hand. At last, the study was concluded by the recent development and its orientation of religious education in Taiwan."

