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篇名 魏納的歸因理論及其教育含意
卷期 1
並列篇名 Weiner’s Attributional Theory and Its Implications to Education
作者 賴清標
頁次 77-90
出刊日期 199306


本文旨在介紹魏納(B. Weiner)的歸因理論。全文分為三大部份。首先概述動機理論的演變、歸因理論的發展、和與歸因有關的概念,藉以說明魏納歸因論的背景。其次敘述魏納歸因論的主要觀點,包括:(1)基本假設是人類有尋求了解事件原因的傾向,(2)個體知覺到的學業成敗原因社要有四:能力、努力、課業難度、和運氣,(3)歸因結構包括原因所在,穩定性、和控制性三個向度,(4)歸因的穩定性影響未來成功的預期,(5)歸因本身和歸因的向度與多種情緒反應有關,及(6)完整的歸因模式始於事件的結果和由此引發的情緒,其次歸因受到某些先前訊息的影響,歸因之後則影響到成功預期和情緒反應,最後影響到行為。本文最後分析魏納歸因論的教育含意,包括:(1)教師歸因會影響到學生歸因,(2)安排適當的教學環境,避免引發學生將失敗歸因於能力不足,及(3)針對失敗取向學生實施歸因訓練,使其將失敗歸因從能力不足轉變為努力不夠。


The purpose of this study was to introduce the Attributional Theory developed by B. Weiner. At first, there were three sections arranged to provide the background of Weiner’s theory, including the change of motivational theory, the development of attribution theory, and some concepts with relationships to causal ascriptions. Then, the major points of Weiner’s theory were described, including:(1)to search for the understanding of causes of outcome was human’s foundamental tendency,(2)the causes for success or failure in school achievement perceived by the individual were ability, effort, task difficulty , and luck, (3)the perceived causes were organized in a structure of three dimensions:locus of causality, stability, and controllability, (4)the stability of causality had effects on the expectancy for future success, (5)there were relationships between the causality and the emotions and between the dimensions of causality and the emotions, and (6)the whole model of attribution was initiated by the outcome and the emotions followed this outcome, some antecedents would have effects on causal ascriptions, then causal ascriptions will influence the expectancy of success and the affective reactions, and some behavioral consequences followed. Finally, the implications of Weiner’s theory on education were analyzed and the following were suggested:(1)to be careful about the effects of teacher’s attribution on student’s attribution, (2) to arrange the appropriate classroom environment to prevent the ascriptions of lack of ability to the failure, and (3)to apply the attribution retraining to those who attributed the lack of ability to the failure.

