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篇名 CPU 散熱效能的研究
卷期 5:1
並列篇名 A Study on Heat Dissipative Performance for CPU
作者 杜鳳棋
頁次 069-075
關鍵字 熱散逸率風扇轉速熱介面物質靜負荷thermal interface materialsstatic loadfan speedheat dissipative rate
出刊日期 201001


「散熱問題」一直是電腦技術發展的瓶頸與挑戰,其攸關電腦的運作穩定度與效能評比。本論文係以實驗方法探討桌上型電腦 CPU的熱散逸率,研究重點聚焦於散熱器與 CPU之間的靜負荷、熱介面物質、以及散熱器之風扇轉速等因素的影響性研究,這三部分都是 CPU散熱系統相當關鍵的技術。本文之實驗方法直接投入現有 CPU冷卻系統之改進,對於 CPU散熱問題的解決具有極大的助益。


The increasing power and reduced die size of CPUs used in desktop computers increases a need for significantly thermal solutions. Experimental analysis was used to study the heat dissipation effects of contact pressure between heat sink and CPU, thermal interface materials, and fan speed. From the simulate CPU experiments the effects of the static load, thermal interface materials, and fan speed on the heat dissipative performance could be determined.
