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篇名 運用模糊層級分析法評估環保及經營績效之決策因素
卷期 4:4
並列篇名 Fussy AHP for Accessing the Decision Factors of Environmental and Operational Performance
作者 李正文張麗琴
頁次 407-416
關鍵字 綠色創新技術模糊層級分析法綠色供應鏈管理green innovation techologygreen supply chain managementfuzzy analytic hierarchy process
出刊日期 200910


歐盟已正式展開 WEEE 及 RoHS,本研究以國內電子電機廠商為研究對象,探討各廠商在面臨歐盟環保指令的限制下,所優先考量的綠色管理方案,以及因施行綠色管理方案對公司的環保與經營績效所造成的影響。本研究發送 500 份問卷,取得 122 份有效問卷(有效問卷率22.4%),運用模糊層級分析法,分析結果發現,在改善環保績效方面,約 60%的廠商優先考綠色供應鏈管理。另一方面,針對施行綠色管理對各廠商經營績效所造成實質效益最為顯著的是公司形象的提升,在目前階段各廠商所獲得非財務面績效比財務績效來得高。


EU officially launched WEEE and RoHS. Under the restriction of environment regulation, this empirical study focuses on Taiwan’s electrical and electronic equipment industry using the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process to analyze the critical factors considered in environmental management program. We gather the data through
benchmarking structured questionnaires, totally 122 valid responses (22.4%) collected. This result reveals that green supply chain management is more important than green innovation technology within decision criteria. Speaking of corporate operating performance, enhancing company image is the most beneficial method. At present, non-financial performance is better than financial performance using green management program.

