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篇名 臺灣地區幼教師與教保員異動傾向之實徵研究:整合理論與相關變項之模型初構
卷期 20
並列篇名 A Study of Kindergarten Teachers and Child Care Workers’ Turnover Intention in Taiwan: Theories and Primary Model
作者 陳怡靖
頁次 73-106
關鍵字 公平理論社會交換理論個人-組織適配理論異動傾向organizational justice theoryperson-organizational fit theorysocial exchange theoryturnover intention.
出刊日期 200912




Kindergarten teachers and childcare workers’ turnover is a problem to be deeply concerned for preschool education in Taiwan. Although there are some past studies in this domain, they were old and yet to be integrated on the influential factors and theoretical model. In the study we integrated related theories and domestic and oversea researches about
occupational and teachers’ literatures of turnover, constructing a relative model of the childcare workers and kindergarten teachers’ turnover, tested through national worldwide data. The results show approximately 50% of the childcare workers and kindergarten teachers carry a turnover intention and 20% plan or expect a turnover in one year by 1336 samples from 229 schools 22 counties or cities. The results reveal the job workload, satisfaction, salary, and commuting time are the main influential factors in the childcare workers and kindergarten teachers’ turnover model. This study examines three theories on the childcare workers and kindergarten teachers’ turnover—social exchange theory, person-organizational fit theory, organizational justice theory, which explan other occupational turnovers. The results show all three theories can explain the childcare workers and kindergarten teachers’ satisfaction, but just distributional justice is fit to explaining teachers’ turnover. According to the results, we provide practical and researchable suggestions.
