
東吳法律學報 TSSCI

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篇名 行政主體向人民主張公法上返還請求權之法律途徑及其返還範圍--以授益處分經自行撤銷之情形為例
卷期 19:2
並列篇名 The Return Range and Legal Action of Public Law Returning Claim of Administrative Subject against People--An Example of the Self-Revocation of Benefit Decision
作者 劉建宏
頁次 175-222
關鍵字 公法上返還請求權公法上不當得利反面理論給付決定信賴保護原則?ffentlich-rechtlicher erstattungsanspruchKehrseitentheorieLeistungsbescheidVertrauensschutzTSSCI
出刊日期 200710




The Public Law Returning Claim can be divided into three types based on the right holders of claim and the object claim against: people claim against administrative subjects, claims between administrative subjects and administrative subjects claim against people. This article will explore the type of administrative subjects claiming public law returning right against people. The Paragraph 1, article 127 of the Administrative Procedure Law states that “where the content of the beneficial decision are one time or continuing payments of money or separable goods and the decisions were trace back ineffective due to revoking, terminating or condition fulfilling, the beneficial people shall return the payment from this decision. This principle also applies into the situation where the decisions were recognized as ineffective.” According to this provision, administrative subjects may claim against people for returning payment based on the legal foundation of where the beneficial decisions were trace back ineff ective due to revoking, terminating or condition fulfilling or the initial invalidity of beneficial decision. This article will discuss the following questions under the condition where the illegal beneficial decisions were revoked:1.What is the proper legal action for administrative subjects claim public law returning right against people? Can they issue an order for requesting return directly or file a general payment claim to Administrative Court?2. What is the range of returning right when administrative subjects claim public law returning right against people? Can they claim the interest of payment? Can the people argue that the retuning duty shall be released since the payments received were no longer existed?
