
東吳法律學報 TSSCI

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篇名 胚胎憲法地位之研究--以醫療性複製胚胎為例
卷期 18:3
並列篇名 Research of Embryo's Status in Constitution Taking Therapeutic Embryo Cloning for Example
作者 陳志忠
頁次 41-90
關鍵字 胚胎保護生命權人性尊嚴醫療性複製胚胎幹細胞研究Embryonic stem cellsTherapeutic cloningLife rightIn vitro fertilizationHuman cloningTSSCI
出刊日期 200704




In late 2005, it was widely discussed in the field of international biomedical research that Seoul National University Professor Hwang Woo-Su fraudulently reported to have succeeded in creating human embryonic stem cells by cloning. This article explains why the process of obtaining embryonic stem cell by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (i.e. therapeutic cloning) deserves public attentions. Following the description of the relevant international regulations, this article delves into the legal status of embryo in the constitution in Taiwan. At the end, this article concludes that embryo is protected by the constitutional right to life, but embryo has not been an object of right of human dignity. On this basis, this article discusses various sources of embryo and makes a number of suggestions to legislation.
