
東吳法律學報 TSSCI

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篇名 文化國與文化公民權
卷期 18:2
並列篇名 Culture State and the Cultural Civil Rights
作者 許育典
頁次 1-42
關鍵字 自我實現文化國文化基本權客觀價值決定文化公民權多元文化中立原則寬容原則Self-realizationCulture stateThe basic right of cultureCultural civil rightsPluralistic culturesNeutral principlePrinciple of charityTSSCI
出刊日期 200612




In our modem pluralistic society, individuals (or groups) may express opposing views with others in the realms of spiritual thinking, political ideology and cultural recognition. Theorists have argued that the development of the cultural differences or diversity can be a source of strength, which fosters the growth and development of the culture. In fact, the Amendment X, Section I of the Constitution of the Republic of China, which provides “The State affirms cultural pluralism.”, constructs the foundation of constitutional protection on Pluralistic Cultures Country and imposes an obligation upon the state to protect the cultural diversity and heterogeneousity, and all of these should be realized by the way of construction of Neutral Principle and Principle of Charity. Country! Country! You make me gain, and you also make me lose! As a ruler in a culture state, he should try his vest to facilitate the balance fulfillment of spiritual cultural life of the city and that of the country. He should also design to provide country people with spiritual culture, in order to let every people share the spiritual and cultural resources in a culture state. This is the concept of so-called “the cultural civil rights”.
