
東吳法律學報 TSSCI

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篇名 雅典旅客運送國際公約之研究並論我國海商法之修正
卷期 18:2
並列篇名 The Study of Athens Convention and the Recommendation of Rectified Articles on Our Maritime Code
作者 王肖卿
頁次 75-102
關鍵字 雅典公約強制保險自負額Athens conventionCompulsory insuranceDeductibleTSSCI
出刊日期 200612




The provision deals with carriage of passengers in Taiwan Maritime Code have so often created controversial disputes. Lack of terms definition, the scope of liability is not clear and the amount of compensation is falling far behind the level of international conventions and most national laws, yet such deficiency has been kept overlooked by three times law amendments. The fact that local liner carriers do not provide international passenger service may explain the reason the authority paid no attention to the above deficiency, nevertheless the numbers of launch boats and fishing boats for sightseeing is becoming further more, overseas international liner passenger carriers do carry out business in around Taiwan area, and Taiwan passengers do join international sea journey. The possibility of application of Maritime Code is existed. Moreover, being the perspective of civilized and maritime state like Taiwan, it is necessary to establish sufficient law to govern and regulate such cases. By reference to discuss a sting of incidents occurred in within Kaohsiung harbor in between June to August, 2005, enhance the paper seeks to review the deficiencies in the relevant provision of carriage of passengers and to consider the changes brought by the 2002 Athens Convention. It is hoped that the deficiencies in Taiwan Maritime Code will be looked on upon and be rectified in the further amendments. Recommendation of ratified articles on Taiwan Maritime Code has also been proposed.
