
東吳法律學報 TSSCI

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篇名 P2P網站經營者之作為幫助犯責任與中性業務行為理論之適用
卷期 18:1
並列篇名 P2P Website Operator's Liability for Aiding the Commission of Offense: The Neutral Business Activity Doctrine
作者 蔡蕙芳
頁次 61-90
關鍵字 P2P網站經營者幫助犯中性業務行為ezPeer判決P2P website operatorAiding liabilityUnauthorized reproduction offenseNeutral business activityezPeer court decisionTSSCI
出刊日期 200608




This Article aims to discuss whether P2P website operator’s providing peer-to-peer file?sharing service constitutes the aiding in the commission of unauthorized reproduction or distribution offense. The term “neutral business activity” refers to the business activity which is conducted relying exclusively on its own purposes without any reference to the behavior of the traders or trading circumstances. Many German commentators have argued that business activity may not be imposed aiding liability without taking its neutral nature into account. The ezPeer court decision also adopted similar opinion. This Article first provides a study of many aspects of the neutral business activity doctrine in the German criminal law. Next the Author discusses the applications of this doctrine to P2P website operator’s liability.
