
農業經濟叢刊 TSSCI

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篇名 新回合農業談判對臺灣農業部門與總體經濟影響之一般均衡分析
卷期 11:2
並列篇名 The Impacts of WTO Doha Round Agricultural Negotiations on Taiwan's Overall Economy and Agricultural Sector: A General Equilibrium Assessment
作者 李淑媛陳逸潔張靜貞
頁次 267-308
關鍵字 可計算一般均衡模型關稅減讓境內總支持農業部門Computable general equilibriumCGETariff reductionAggregate measurement of supportAMSAgricultural sectorTSCITSSCI
出刊日期 200606


本文以可計算一般均衡模型與資?庫?進?新回合農業談判之模擬分析,在此以HS 8 碼商品別作為分?與計算的基礎,?用分段公式(tiered approach )設計模擬情境,進?個別商品的關稅削減與境內總支持(AMS)減讓模擬之設定。研究結果顯示,農產品關稅的?低雖可誘發工業及服務業產出的增加,但農業部門則因為國內生產毛額與實質國民消費的正面誘發效果?大,加上進口品大?的湧入,導致關稅的下?對農業部門本身產生??的效果,故在長期之下,總體經濟雖呈現正面的影響效果,但在個別農業部門的產出則呈現負面的影響。而在境內總支持(AMS)部分,?管是對於總體經濟面或是個體經濟面,農業部門AMS 的削減在產出、就業與出口方面皆可帶?微幅正面的影響;此外,由?同稻米AMS 削減的模擬結果推?,過?保護稻穀產業將會造成資源扭曲之負面效果,對社會福?與其他農業部門產生較為??的影響。


In this study, we investigate the economic impacts of the agricultural negotiations of WTO Doha Round negotiation on Taiwan’s economy with special emphasis on agricultural sector using a computable general equilibrium model of Taiwan derived from the Australian ORANI model. A WTO module is developed for setting up the market access simulation scenarios by adding alternative tariff reduction schemes using a HS 8digit tariff schedule and a tiered formula approach. Product-specific reductions of Aggregate Measurement of Support are also simulated for the proposals on reducing domestic supports. Simulation results show that most of the agricultural sectors will suffer from negative output effects but the overall economy will benefit from tariff reductions. Reduction of domestic supports will have little effect for agriculture, but overproduction on rice creates negative welfare and inefficient resource allocation effects for the economy and other agricultural sectors.
