
農業經濟叢刊 TSSCI

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篇名 臺灣食品加工業對外投資與產業空洞化之分析
卷期 11:1
並列篇名 FDI and the Hollowing-out of Taiwan's Food Industry
作者 陸怡蕙張靜貞楊謹綸
頁次 1-33
關鍵字 產業空洞化對外投資食品產業Foreign direct investmentFirms' growthIndustrial hollowing outTSCITSSCI
出刊日期 200512




This study examines the effects of foreign direct investment on the survival and growth performance of Taiwan's food processing firms. Previous empirical work on firm growth focuses on initial firm-specific conditions to explain the observed heterogeneity of growth rates, whereas most studies on foreign direct investment investigate its effects on the manufacturing sectors or the electronics industry. To fill the empirical gap, this study provides econometric evidences on the relationship of foreign direct investment to firm-level growth. Our results suggest that while expansionary FDI raises the probability of surviving competition, defensive FDI shows an insignificant effect on survival. As for the effects of FDI on firm growth, our results suggest that both types of FDI are neutral to growth. Although a few indicators suggest a profound change of the structure of Taiwan's food processing industry since 1986, these results suggest refuting the notion that FDI may have caused such change.
