
International Journal of Computational Linguistics And Chinese Language Processing THCI

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篇名 Multi-Modal Emotion Recognition from Speech and Text
卷期 9:2
作者 Chuang, Ze-jingWu, Chung-hsien
頁次 045-062
關鍵字 THCI Core
出刊日期 200408



This paper presents an approach to emotion recognition from speech signals and textual content. In the analysis of speech signals, thirty-three acoustic features are extracted from the speech input. After Principle Component Analysis (PCA) is performed, 14 principle components are selected for discriminative representation. In this representation, each principle component is the combination of the 33 original acoustic features and forms a feature subspace. Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are adopted to classify the emotional states. In text analysis, all emotional keywords and emotion modification words are manually defined. The emotion intensity levels of emotional keywords and emotion modification words are estimated based on a collected emotion corpus. The final emotional state is determined based on the emotion outputs from the acoustic and textual analyses. Experimental results show that the emotion recognition accuracy of the integrated system is better than that of either of the two individual approaches.

