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篇名 德國學齡前幼托改革政策之探討
卷期 5
並列篇名 Research on the development of the preschool reform policy in Germany
作者 羅秀青
頁次 83-98
關鍵字 學齡前幼托改革政策附屬政策Preschool reform policy in Germanyattached policy
出刊日期 201009


基於「聯邦主義」之原則,德國教育事業乃屬各邦管轄職權,故各邦在教育制度與內容方面,皆不相同。又因「北萊茵河-威西發冷」邦(以下簡稱「北威邦」 ) (Nordrhein-Westfalen, NRW) ,歷來皆為該國改革先鋒,且其改革措施後來皆為其他各邦所仿效,故本文乃以該邦為例,對德國學齡前幼托改革政策,作一深入談討。本文首先介紹德國學齡前幼托制度之沿革,該政策制度化完備於 1960年代末的教改時期。繼之對歷次德國學齡前幼托政策的改革,就德國其時所處的政治與社會背景下,對其一連串的教改措施及其政策走向,作一探討。基於前述之探討與分析,本文之研究發現為:德國學齡前幼托政策的屬性並非教育政策之一環,而是其他政策之「附屬政策」(Begleitpolitik ) 。


In Germany, according to federalism, each federal state possesses the autonomy of its own educational affairs. Therefore, the educational policies and contents may vary from state to state. Under these circumstances, the author of this paper chose to demonstrate the research on the development of the preschool reform policy in the federal state of Nordrhein-Westfalen (NRW), for the reason that it is always the pioneer state, and hence representative in the field of educational policy reforms in Germany.
Firstly, this paper gives a brief overview of the historical development of establishment of the preschool system in Germany. Secondly, this paper concentrates on preschool reform policies and analyzes the tendency of a series of reforms under the political and social conditions at that time. Based on the previous analysis, the research finding of this paper is that: the preschool policy in Germany is the attached policy of other prime policies, such as social policy or family policy.
