
防蝕工程 EIScopus

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篇名 由臺灣橋梁腐蝕現況調查看防蝕設計與海岸距離之關係
卷期 22:2、22:2
並列篇名 The Relationship between the Durable Design of Corrosion Protection and Coastal Distances According with the Investigation by Taiwan Bridges Corrosion Condition
作者 劉益雄翁榮洲黃兆龍羅俊雄
頁次 121-135
關鍵字 鋼筋混凝土橋梁腐蝕防蝕設計Reinforced concreteBridgesCorrosionDurableDesign of corrosion protectionEI
出刊日期 200806


由橋梁現況調查發現各沿海橋梁普遍存在腐蝕問題,其最大腐蝕因子乃海風挾帶大量氯離子;附著於混凝土表面進而擴散至混凝土內部並加速鋼筋腐蝕,此現象可由各濱海橋梁之面海與背海區域所觀察到不同之腐蝕程度得到驗證。海岸距離對於橋梁混凝土表面之氯離子附著量也有明顯影響,靠海側(迎海風面)之氯離子附著量明顯高於靠陸地側(背海風面),橋梁與海岸距離超過 3 公里以上,靠陸地側(背海風面)與靠海側(迎海風面)之氯離子附著量已明顯降低且無差異,因此氯離子的影響即可忽略。


This research performs an analysis and examination of the current corrosion status of bridge structures in Taiwan. A survey and analysis of the climatic factors in corrosion is also conducted. Results of domestic and foreign research have been combined to find the correlations between corrosion of bridge structures and factors such as the environment and quality of materials. In regards to the patterns and factors in corrosion of domestic bridge structures, this research drafts a
suitable prevention plan providing proper design, materials, and other related suggestions that would help prevent corrosion.
As the Investigation by Taiwan Bridges Corrosion Condition could found out most of Seashore Bridges have the corrosion problem. The most corrosion reason is sea breeze that carries lots of chloride ions, and it added to the concrete surface then diffused inside, also increase the
speed of RC. This conditions could be caused from the difference degree of corrosion according to coastal area bridges of seaside and landside. The distance from the coastline will also have a clear effect on the level of ion adhesion. Bridges near the ocean (facing the ocean winds) have a clear higher rate of ion adhesion than bridges inland (facing away from ocean winds). There is no clear difference however between bridges facing ocean winds and those not facing ocean winds that are of a distance above 3km from the coastline. Thus in these cases, chloride ion is not an influence.
