
都市與計劃 TSSCI

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篇名 台南市鄰里公園光侵擾之研究
卷期 36:2
並列篇名 Evaluation of Light Trespass from Neighborhood Parks in Tainan City
作者 林憲德趙又嬋
頁次 155-172
關鍵字 光害鄰里公園光侵擾戶外照明Light pollutionOutdoor lightingNeighborhood parkLight trespassTSSCI
出刊日期 200906


本研究為瞭解與改善台灣目前夜間戶外照明之現況、評估光害相關議題,先行針對都市住宅區之鄰里公園作為研究對象,選定台南市16個調查樣本,以「光侵擾評估」做為調查與解析項目。調查結果顯示鄰里公園周邊住宅受到來自公園燈具的光線影響,有立面照度過高之情形,進一步對「鄰里公園基地配置類型」與「基地側是否緊鄰住宅」解析,得出以公園緊鄰住宅所造成的光侵擾最為嚴重,而在深夜時段,幾乎所有樣本均超出2 lx之限制值。在鄰里公園產生光侵擾程度之預測上,本研究提出2組預測式,R2為0.650與0.619,可做為日後的推估應用。本研究最終並提出光侵擾防制之具體建議,整體結果可做為戶外照明改善之基礎,期能同時提升戶外空間照明品質、降低環境層面的衝擊。


To understand and improve the current condition of outdoor lighting in residential areas in Taiwan, this investigation surveyed 16 residential neighborhood parks in Tainan City to assess the relationship among lighting trespass, site plan of park, and dwelling location. The analytical results demonstrate that serious light trespass exists in residential areas, particularly in dwellings located beside parks. After curfew, the vertical illuminance of most dwellings exceeds the CIE limit which is 2 lx. Furthermore, two regression models, with R2 values increased to 0.613 and 0.679, were used to predict the light trespass values. This investigation also recommends effective strategies for reducing light pollution and its impact on living environment.
