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篇名 風能量測設備使用經驗與評估
卷期 31:5=175
並列篇名 Experience and Evaluation of Wind Energy Measurement Instruments
作者 李宜宸蘇永明呂威賢
頁次 15-22
出刊日期 201004


近來風力發電的發展受到越來越多的關注,準確風能的觀測可以找出較佳的風力發電場址,因此風能觀測是一個非常重要的技術。近年來工業技術研究院在台灣地區架設了五座陸域風速塔與一座海域風速塔,並且擁有一套移動式的風速量測設備。筆者將介紹歷年來所採用之系統,並就使用經驗與優缺點進行說明。而藉由這些系統的使用經驗,說明對於設立於戶外環境之風能觀測塔,不建議採用 PC base 的資料紀錄系統,應改採單晶片的資料紀錄系統。同時可移動式之聲達可以同時量測不同高度之風速,然而其容易受到周邊環境干擾與發出尖銳刺耳之噪音,因此必須慎選量測時間與位置,方能得到正確合理之量測資料。


Wind power technology is gaining increasing concern recently, and the accurate wind energy assessment can help us select a better site. Therefore, it is no doubt that wind energy observation is a very important technology for site selection. Under this kind of condition, in recent years Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) has established fi ve onshore wind masts and one offshore wind observation station. In addition, ITRI has a portable wind measurement equipment. This article will describe the measurement experience and advantages/disadvantages of the historical measurement system in ITRI. From our measurement experience, the PC based data log is not suitable for
the out door estimate system, and it suggests that single chip data log is convenient to the measurement system. On the other hand, the portable SODAR (Sound Detection and Ranging) profi ler can measure wind speed at different altitude at the same time. But, SODAR will easily interfere with the surrounding environment. Besides, during the measurement, SODAR is very noisy. Therefore, the selection of the measurement period and position will be very signifi cance because it is related to the accuracy of data.

