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篇名 由「時間與敘事」看影像之褶的開
卷期 37:4=431
並列篇名 From Time and Narrative to the Openness of Fold of Image
作者 黃筱慧
頁次 73-91
關鍵字 敘事時間影像褶子呂格爾德勒茲NarrativeTimeImageFoldRicoeurDeleuzeA&HCI
出刊日期 201004




The paper uses French hermeneutic philosopher Paul Ricoeur’s theory of time and narrative to be the main basis, to research about the research of images. We try to provide a kind of special research on the fold in image, and to use the folding a fold as a starting point for our research. In the paper we also use another French philosopher Gilles Deleuze’s idea on folds as another contract system on the research of images. It is because that one image will have a possibility of researching for interpretive person to be back to time in order to open the possibility of exixtence. We believe that to fold something and one fold, they may both formalize a kind of new beginning of hermeneutic researches. We work on our understanding on Ricoeur’s method, we contract on the method as: to use emplotment on the experience of time, by this method, we obtain the result of a hermeneutic method on the study of the history of life. This method also opens: the research of doing images by going through life-experience, and to contract the hermeneutic method of opening folds both in life and image—this theory may do emplotment on time and narrative with our life, it can re-write the possibility of our future life.
