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篇名 困境的解脫:對死亡的日常策略及其意義
卷期 37:4=431
並列篇名 Extricate From a Predicament:The Daily Strategies With Their Significances Against Death
作者 沈毅
頁次 129-157
關鍵字 死亡回避信仰創造達觀享樂DeathPleasureReasonBelieveEvadeCreateA&HCI
出刊日期 201004




Death is not solely an instant and ultimate event for a human being. Once a life comes into being, it not only sets the reasons for occuring and developing of the life, but also for declining and dying of the life. The dying process is going on and ended along with the living process. Death and life are both the natural phenomenon, but the life always brings the humanbings hopes and happynisses, nevertheless the death generally makes us sad and desperate. The mankind would not easily accept the death truth both in emotion and reasion, and usully adopt all kinds of possible strategies to fight against death consciously or unconsciously. Due to the variances of ideas and values of life, there are many strategies for the mankind against death, and some primary daily strategies with their significances will be expounded here
