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篇名 《神學大全》:天主聖化人類歷程
卷期 37:4=431
並列篇名 Summa Theologica: God’s Process of Sanctifying Humankind
作者 鄭維亮
頁次 159-177
關鍵字 聖多瑪斯神學大全天主聖化人類歷程St. Thomas AquinasGodSumma TheologiaeSanctificationProcessHumankindA&HCI
出刊日期 201004


眾所皆知,被譽為「士林哲學巨擘與導師」的聖多瑪斯 (St.Thomas Aquinas c.1225-1274)著作雖多,《神學大全》卻是他最主要的「代表鉅作」,而最近由中華道明會與碧岳社聯合出版的《神學大全》「中文版本」更有十七冊之多。在本文中,筆者以「天主聖化人類歷程」為「主題」(或「副主題」)切入《神學大全》,試圖將這十多冊的主要內容連貫起來,盼望以這凸顯的角度來掀起一般讀者對這「天使博士」(Doctor Angelicus)「不朽之作」一個整體的洞悉,甚至更大的興趣。在第一節「前言」後,第二節將簡單介紹《神學大全》中「天主聖化人類歷程」的凸顯架構。之後,在第三節將以「天主聖化人歷程」為《神學大全》的統一「中軸」,把十七冊「基本內涵」有系統地連結起來,成為此「美妙宏著」的「主題」(或「副主題」)。最後,第四節是本文的結論。


Although St. Thomas Aquinas (c.1225-1274) is the well-acknowledged authority and prolific doctor of Scholasticism par excellence, Summa Theologiae (Latin) or Summa Theologica (English) remains his pre-eminent tour de force. The recent traditional Chinese edition of this theological outline co-published by the Order of Preachers (中華道明會) and Bi Yuè Xuè Shè (碧岳學社) in Taiwan has reached even 17 volumes. In this paper, the author attempts to introduce Summa Theologiae and sum it up in terms of “God’s process of sanctifying humankind.” It is hoped that such a distinctive approach would give readers a comprehensive summary of this perennial masterpiece by Doctor Angelicus, stimulating anew the interest of many. After the preface, section two presents a précis of “God’s process of sanctifying humankind.” Then, section three takes on this process of God as the unifying paradigm to interweave systematically the fundamental contents of the 17-volume magnum opus. Finally, section four proffers us a conclusion.
