
中山管理評論 TSSCI

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篇名 Effectiveness of Outsourced Training: Determinants and Moderators
卷期 15:4特刊
並列篇名 教育訓練委外有效性之決定因素與調節變項
作者 柯志哲
頁次 5-101
關鍵字 Human resource managementInstitutionalizationPartnershipsKnowledge sharingTraining outsourcing教育訓練委外人力資源管理制度化夥伴關係知識分享TSSCI
出刊日期 200712




Itis currently a common practice for business organizations to outsource training responsibilities. The author analyzes the extent to which knowledge sharing, partnerships, institutionalization, and other organizational characteristics affect training outsourcing perfonnance, then discusses how human resource management moderates the effects of other factors on outsourcing effectiveness. Seven hypotheses were analyzed using hierarchical regression models with data collected via questionnaires completed by 387 Taiwanese firms. The results indicate that knowledge sharing and institutionalization exert significant and separate effects on outsourcing perfonnance, and that human resource management plays a significant role in moderating relationships between institutionalization and outsourcing effectiveness as well as between knowledge sharing and outsourcing performance.
