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篇名 慢性呼吸衰竭患者脫離呼吸器的中醫會診病例報告
卷期 16:1
並列篇名 Clinical Thinking Process of Successfully Weaning in Chronic Respiratory Failure Patients by Integration of Traditional and Western Medicine
作者 楊育書田莒昌陳建仲
頁次 32-41
關鍵字 Traditional Chinese TCMventilatorasthmatuberculosischronic respiratory failure中醫慢性呼吸衰竭呼吸器氣喘肺結核
出刊日期 201003




The issue of weaning from a ventilator plays an important role in the consultation of Chinese Medical division at hospital. We report this patient who was persistent tuberculosis with chronic respiratory failure. With combination of Western medicine and Traditional Chinese medicine, patient's discomforts are more relieved during respiratory training course and have more successful weaning chance. We present a case with both manifestative syndromes of phlegm-heat obstructing lung and qi stagnation with blood stasis, and root cause of both qi and yin deficiency. We use dispersing lung qi with dissipating phlegm and clearing heat-toxin for symptomatic treatment in acute condition, and also benefiting qi with nourishing yin through the whole treating course. Befor removing the endotracheal tube, drugs with benefits of clearing heat for detumescence from throat and removing blood stasis and resolving static blood are added, such as Sanchi (Panax pseudoginseng), Eearthworm (Perichaeta communissma G and H), She gan (Belamcanda chinensis), Taiwan wishbone flower (Torenia concolor Lindley var. formosana Yamazaki, and daige powder. Finally, he weans successfully after two months hospitalization and recovery very well after discharged.
