
公共行政學報(政大) CSSCITSSCI

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篇名 民眾不同陳情管道相對效能之比較
卷期 33、33
並列篇名 Exploration to the Comparative Effectiveness of Petition Channels: Attempts to Solve the Dilemma between Internet Petition and Resources Consumption
作者 陳祥黃伸閔
頁次 83-120
關鍵字 陳情管道電子郵件陳情陳情滿意度政府效能公民關係管理Petitioning channelsE-mail petitionsPetition satisfactoryGovernment efficiencyCitizen relation managementTSSCI
出刊日期 200912




Taking the advantages of both convenience and low cost, recently the majority of petitioners write their petitions with the e-mail. The advantages for petitioners become the nightmare of petitioned government agencies due to the production of huge petition garbage. It results in the lagged administrative processes and relocated resources. Can the effectiveness of the Internet e-mail as the major petitioning channel justify itself? Or the government should limit its use? With a survey to a sample of 461 petitioners who have petitioned in last six months, this study shows that using the e-mail as the petitioning channel makes petitioners more satisfactory, with a feedback of more efficiency, more positive attitudes, more specific, and more usefulness, to the returned answers from petitioned government agencies. Besides, for the same event, petitioners employing the e-mail channel make less repetitive petitions both to the same government agency and also across different government agencies. The relations between positive attitudes and petitioning channels justify the employment of the e-mail as the major petitioning channel. To face the new situation, the government should promote the employment of e-mail as a petitioning tool, and in the meantime, relocate more resources to support the e-mail petitions.
