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篇名 俄國二十世紀20-30年代文本的宗教意識研究
卷期 9
並列篇名 A Study of Religious Mind in the Text in an Epoch of Cultural Transitions (On the Materials of 20-30 Years, XX Century)
作者 賴盈銓
頁次 97-122
關鍵字 Spiritual realismSocialistic realismEvangelistic textNew middle age精神寫實主義福音教導文本新中古世紀社會主義寫實主義
出刊日期 200506


本文擬探討社會文化劇烈變遷時期的社會主義寫實文學及其「同路人」(布爾加科夫(М. Булгаков)的《大師與瑪格麗特》(Мастер и Маргарита)、普拉托諾夫(А. Платонов)的《切文古爾鎮》(Чевенгур))與僑民作家什米寥夫(И. Шмелёв)和札伊采夫(Б. Зайцев)創作中的宗教意識。
奧斯特洛夫斯基(Н. Островский)的《鋼鐵是怎樣煉成的》(Как закалялась сталь)作為社會主義寫實主義的代表作,其所體現的是社會主義革命新人的榜樣,是主要人物保羅.柯察金以整個生命參與革命及社會主義建設為最大生命價值與意義。福音書對布爾加科夫而言是故事神話化的題材,而不是主要思想,《大師與瑪格麗特》對讀者的影響應是正面觀照人性弱點與自我洗滌(катарсис),這應是布爾加科夫之福音書與正統福音書殊異之處。


This paper explores the religious mind of Soviet major works in an epoch of cultural transformation, i.e. 20-30 years of XX century. Our interest focuses upon N. Ostrovsky (exemplary writer of socialistic-realism) and the so-called “fellow travelers”: M. Bulgakov, A. Platonov together with emigrant writers, B. Zaitsev and I. Shemeliov)
The positive hero in Ostrosky’s How Steel Was Tempered embodies the greatest value and significance of socialistic revolution and construction, which is used by the authorities and ideologist to replace the Orthodoxy. The utopianism of Platonov’s Chevengur in linguistic, ethic sense, deviates from the norms. Tragicomically, Chevengur is tinted with Christian idea. The Gospel is considered by M. Bulgakov as a source of mythology, not source of faith. But the impact of the Master and Margarita on the reader is rather mental, emotional than spiritual. B. Zaitsev and I. Shemeliov moved the ideal of “Holy Russia” back to the works. All of the writers mentioned above pursued their highest ideal of art, holiness in their own way.
