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篇名 土壤鹽度對苦檻藍扦插苗生長、水分狀態及葉綠素濃度之影響
卷期 17:3
並列篇名 Effects of Soil Salinity on Growth, Water Status and Chlorophyll Concentration of Myoporum Bontiodes Cuttings
作者 范貴珠陳儀真
頁次 159-169
關鍵字 chlorophyll concentrationwater statusgrowthMyoporum bontiodesSalinity葉綠素濃度水分狀態苦檻藍鹽度生長
出刊日期 200309


本研究旨在探討0、0.75、1.5及3.0% NaCl等不同鹽度處理30、60及90天後,對苦檻藍(Myoporum bontiodes)扦插苗生長、水分狀態及葉綠素濃度之影響。試驗結果顯示,苗木以不同鹽分濃度處理30、60及90天之變化趨勢類似,處理90天後,以0及0.75%NaCl處理之苗高、萌芽數、萌芽長度、葉片數、葉片大小、總葉面積、葉片伸展相對速率及各部位乾物累積量較大,顯示苦檻藍扦插苗適合生長於無鹽分及低鹽度之環境。鹽分處理90天後,以3.0% NaCl高鹽度處理之苗木,上述所有形態參數則明顯下降,惟苗木之葉片肉質程度隨鹽度增加而增加。處理90天時,扦插苗之葉部、插穗、萌芽枝條及根部含水率以3.0%處理較低;而在各鹽分處理期間,1.5及3.0%處理之成熟葉相對含水量(RWC)明顯較0及0.75%處理者為高,苗木葉綠素濃度均以0.75% NaCl較其他處理者為高。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of different salinity for 30, 60and 90 days, containing 0,0.75, 1.5 and 3.0% NaCl on growth, water status and chlorophyll concentration of Myoporum bontiodes cuttings. The cuttings treated with different salinity showed similar patterns of changes after 30, 60 and 90 days of treatments. Cutting height, sprout number, sprout length, leaf number, leaf size, total leaf area, relative rate of leaf expansion and dry matter accumulation of cuttings treated with 0 and 0.75% NaCl were greater than those treated with higher NaCl levels after 90 days of treatment. This suggested that zero or low salinity environment was optimum for this species. All morphological parameters of the cuttings treated with 3.0% NaCl were significantly suppressed after 90 days of treatment. Succulence in leaves of cuttings increased with increasing salinity. The water content in leaves, twigs and roots of the cuttings treated with 3.0% NaCl decreased after 90 days of treatment. During the treatment, the relative water content (RWC) in fully expanded leaves of the cuttings treated with 1.5 and 3.0% NaCl was greater than that of the cuttings treated with0 and 0.75% NaCl. The chlorophyll concentration in the leaves treated with 0.75% NaCl was greater than that from other treatments.
