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篇名 孟宗竹在不同冠層二氧化碳固定效益之研究
卷期 17:3
並列篇名 Efficiency of Carbon Dioxide Fixation by Phyllostachys Pubescens
作者 杜大治王亞男蕭英倫
頁次 187-194
關鍵字 stomatal conductancetranspiration ratenet photosynthetic ratePhyllostachys pubescens孟宗竹氣孔導度蒸散速率凈光合作用速率
出刊日期 200309


以台灣大學實驗林管理處溪頭營林區(北緯23°40',東經120°53')栽植的孟宗竹 (Phyllostachys pubescens) 為試驗材料,自2001年5月至2002年4月每月分別測定上層葉及下層葉淨光合作用速率、蒸散速率、及氣孔導度三項生理因子以及光合作用有效輻射、葉溫、相對濕度及二氧化碳濃度等環境因子的日變化,藉以探討孟宗竹對二氧化碳的固定量及其影響因子。於12個測定日測得孟宗竹之日平均淨光合作用速率在上層葉為4.55 μmol m^(-2)s^(-1),蒸散速率為0.39 mmol m^(-2)s^(-1),氣孔導度為32.24 mmol m^(-2)s^(-1);下層葉則分別為2.23 μmol m^(-2)s^(-1),0.04 mmol m^(-2)s^(-1),0.96 mmol m^(-2)s^(-1)。累計8小時孟宗竹上層葉平均每m^2葉面積可固定6.49 g CO2,下層葉為3.19 g CO2。整株每日可固定CO2 278.69g,全年可固定CO2102kg。


Phyllostachys pubescens growing in the Experimental Forest Station, College of Bioresources and Agricultures, National Taiwan University (N 23°40',E 120°53') was selected for this study. The efficiency of carbon dioxide fixation was analyzed using the monthly measurements of net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, stomatal conductance and other environmental factors in the study site. The mean values of net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate and stomatal conductance in the leaves of the upper crown were 4.55μmol m^(-2)s^(-1), 0.39 and 32.24 mmol m^(-2)s^(-1), respectively, and those in the leaves of the lower crown were 2.23μmol m^(-2)s^(-1), 0.04 and 0.96 mmol m^(-2)s^(-1) respectively. The mean carbon dioxide fixation rates for the leaves of upper- and lower-crown were6.49 and 3.19 g m^(-2)d^(-1), respectively. The fixation rate for a whole bamboo plant is near 278.69g per day and 102 kg per year.
