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篇名 全民造林計畫鳥類相監測
卷期 17:3
並列篇名 Avian Fauna Monitoring of the Nationwide Reforestation Program
作者 袁孝維謝欣怡
頁次 133-140
關鍵字 Nationwide Reforestationforest ecosystem managementbiodiversityAvifauna生物歧異度鳥類相森林生態系經營全民造林
出刊日期 200309




Our study involved the monitoring of the wildlife communities in Shulin, Linkou, and Jhaofong Farm, the three locations that participated the Nationwide Reforestation Program. We focused on the bird composition and their habitat use in different plantations. Bird species richness and abundance were similar in Shulin and Linkou, with nine common species recorded in both areas. Bird diversity was the highest in Jhaofong Farm (20 species and 138 individuals) possibly due to the diversity and integrity of habitats. It inferred that wildlife diversity could be a bio-indicator for evaluating habitat quality in the practice of forest ecosystem management.
