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篇名 台灣西南部荖濃溪下游次生林與人工林之植物組成與序列植被類型
卷期 18:2
並列篇名 Floristic Composition and Seral Vegetation Types of Secondary Forests and Plantations in Downstream of the Lao-Nung Creek, Southwestern Taiwan
作者 周富三
頁次 115-127
關鍵字 sere vegetation typesfloristic compositionLao-Nung creek荖濃溪下游序列植被型植物組成
出刊日期 200406




The floristic composition, structure and sere vegetation types of secondary forests and plantations were investigated in downstream of the Lao-Nung creek, Southwestern Taiwan. Twenty 500 m² plots were established. Ninety seven woody species (DBH≥1cm, H≥1.3m) were recorded, including 81 native and 16 plantation species. In the ground layer, 68 woody species and 141 herbaceous species including 47 climber species were recorede. By using cluster analysis, detrended correspondence analysis and tabular comparison methods, the plots were classifiled into five regeneration types: (1) Clerodendrum cyrtophyllum-Machilus thunbergii type, (2) Lagerstroemia subcostata-Champereia manillana type, (3) Leea guineensis- Wendlandia uvariifoilia type, (4) Castanopsis for-mosana-Kleinhovia hospital type, (5) Broussonetia papyrifera-Melanolepis multiglandulosa type.
