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篇名 植群之多樣性及多樣化之分類法
卷期 18:3
並列篇名 Vegetation Diversity and Diversified Approaches of Classification
作者 蘇鴻傑
頁次 207-219
關鍵字 floristic phytosociological approachalgorithm of classificationcriteria of classificationvegetation diversity植相社會學研究法植群多樣性分類技術分類準則
出刊日期 200409




The present paper elucidates the content of vegetation diversity and its relationship to biodiversity. Although vegetation diversity can be evaluated mathematically by species turnover (13diversity) along the greatest environmental gradient, it is better realized through the classification and nomenclature of plant community. The theory and approach of vegetation classification vary considerably due to the diversified viewpoints of ecologists. Major criteria used in classification include physiognomy, environment, ecosystem and floristic composition. The floristic approach is the best expression of biodiversity, and its result of classification is further complicated by different views concerning the nature of plant community and the technical details of algorithm. This article deals with the factors leading to the diversified results of vegetation classification, and the need for developing a standardized synthetic system of classification. Reviewing comment is also made with respect to the history of vegetation study in Taiwan and the resultant diversified units, with special reference to sampling techniques, data analysis and nomenclature. The theory and synthetic procedures of floristic phytosociological approach (according to Zurich-Montpellier school) are recommended for the future synthesis of vegetation types in Taiwan.
