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篇名 蘭陽溪的植群分類系統之研究
卷期 18:3
並列篇名 Vegetation Classification System in Lanyang River Valley Summary
作者 陳子英
頁次 171-206
關鍵字 synoptic tablesynoptic valueDCATWINSPANtabular comparison methodassociationallianceorderclassvegetation classification systemLanyang River Valley整合錶整合值降趨勢對應分析雙向指標種分析列表比較法群叢群團群集群級蘭陽溪植群分類系統
出刊日期 200409


蘭陽溪為宜蘭縣最長、流域面積最大的河川,亦為台灣地區主要河川之一,發源於南湖北山(3535m),流經中低海拔山區而降到蘭陽平原入海,涵蓋極大高差,包括不同的植群帶。經收集資料與野外調查,去除演替前期的植群,共記錄235個樣區及1308種植物,第一階段以雙向指標種分析法及降趨勢對應分析法進行處理,所得之分型結果再合併成51個組合樣區,組合樣區之植物係以各植物之樣區頻度與平均重要值結合計算之整合值表示,第二階段分析經列表比較法進行分析,分類層級及單位採用法瑞學派之系統,以特徵種將相似之的植群類型合併後列表,在高層單位可分出4個群級(5個亞群級),10個群集,低層單位可分出16個群團32個群叢。不同的分類階層均有特定的特徵種,同時在高階的群級與群集單位亦可歸入植群形相之群系單位。全區植群分類系統大綱如下: Ⅰ、海岸植群一、馬鞍藤群團(海岸沙灘草地) 1.裂葉月見草-馬鞍藤群叢二、林投群團(海岸人工林) 2.菌陳蒿-林投群叢、3苦楝-本麻黃群叢、4銀合歡-黃槿群叢 Ⅱ、墨點櫻桃群級(山地闊葉林群系) (Ⅱa1)樹杞群集(楠櫧林帶;山地下層常錄闊葉林)三、大葉楠群團 5.黃肉樹-大葉楠群叢、6澀葉榕-大葉楠群叢、7.山龍眼-大葉楠群叢、8.鳥來柯-大葉楠叢四、白校欑群團 9.大葉楠-白校欑群叢、10.鳥來柯-白校欑群叢、11.大頭茶-白校欑群叢、12.捲斗櫟-白校欑群叢、13.琉球雞屎樹-白校欑群叢五、長尾尖葉櫧群團 14.頷垂豆-長尾尖葉櫧群叢 (Ⅱa2)假長葉楠群集(櫟林帶;山地常錄闊葉林)六、大葉石櫟群團 15.瓊楠-台灣雅楠群叢、16.假長葉楠-大葉石櫟群叢、17.台灣胡桃-霧社木姜子群叢、18.木荷-大葉石櫟群叢七、毽子櫟群團 19.短柱山茶-毽子櫟群叢 Ⅱb、台灣水青岡亞群級(山地落葉闊葉林) (Ⅱb)台灣水青岡亞群集(山地落葉闊葉林)八、台灣水青岡群團 20.短柱山茶-台灣水青岡群叢 Ⅲ、高山新木薑子群級(針葉林群系) Ⅲa、台灣瘤足蕨亞群級(山地上層針葉林) (Ⅲa1)檜木群集(山地針闊葉混交林)九、紅檜群團 21.紅檜群叢十、台灣扁柏群團 22.毽子櫟-台灣扁柏群叢、23.台灣杜鵑-台灣柏群叢 (Ⅲa2)台灣鐵杉-台灣雲杉群集(鐵杉雲杉林帶;山地上層常錄針葉林)十一、台灣鐵杉群團 24.台灣扁柏-台灣鐵杉群叢、25.雲南冬青-台灣鐵杉群叢十二、台灣雲杉群團 26.霧社木薑子-台灣雲杉群叢、27.苗栗冬青-台灣雲杉群叢 Ⅲb、台灣二葉松亞群級(山地上層常錄松林) (Ⅲb)台灣二葉松亞群集(山地上層常錄松林)十四、台灣冷杉群團 29.日本愛冬葉-台灣冷杉群叢、30.玉山箭竹-台灣冷杉群叢 Ⅳ、曲芒髪草群級(亞高山灌叢群系) (Ⅳ1)玉山箭竹群集(亞高山常錄矮竹灌叢)十五、高山薔薇群團 31.台灣藜蘆-玉山箭竹群叢 (Ⅳ2)香青群集(亞高山常錄針葉灌叢)十六、香青群團 32.南湖杜鵑-香青群叢以生育地環境因子而言,植群的分布主要受海拔及地形二個因子之影響;植群的分化由代海拔的海岸植群經墨點櫻桃群級、高山新木薑子群級至高山灌叢。本文的蘭陽溪資料雖然有235個樣區,但并未包含次生植群及濕地植群,同時樣點也未涵蓋全部的流域範圍,未來可配合植群製圖計畫,加入更多的現生植群樣區,進一步做出蘭陽溪的植群地圖。


Lanyang River valley, ranging from sea level to 3,535m in elevation, is one of the major watersheds in Taiwan. The preliminary survey, excluding the early pioneer stages, recorded1,308 plant species from 235 stands. The data were analyzed by Detrended Correspondance Analysis (DCA) and Two-way Indicator Analysis (TWINSPAN). The resultant clusters were grouped into51 composite samples. The synoptic value for each plant in the composite sample is a combinationof its constancy and averaged importance value. Based on the floristic-sociological classification of the Braun-Blanquet approach, the composite samples were re-arranged by tabular comparison methods to form the hierarchy of vegetation system. The resultant system includes 4 classes (with 5 subclasses), 10 orders, 16 alliances (ALL.) and 32 associations (ASS.) as follows: I Coastal vegetation I.Ipomoea pes-caprae subsp. brasiliensis ALL.(Beach meadow) (1).Oenothera laciniata-Ipomoea pes-caprae subsp. brasiliensis ASS. 2 Pandanus odoratissimus ALL.(Coastal plantation) (2).Artemisia capillaries-Pandanus odoratissimus ASS. (3).Melia azedarach-Casuarina equisetfolia ASS. (4).Leucaena leucocephala- Hibiscus tiliaceus ASS. ll.Prunusphaeosticta CLASS(Montane broad-leaved forest formation) IIa.Michelia compressa SUBCLASS(Montane evergreen broad-leaved forest) (lIal).Ardisia sieboldii ORDER(Machilus-Castanopsis zone, Submontane evergreen broad-leaved forest) 3 .ivlachilusjaponica var. kusanoi ALL. (5).Litsea hypophaea-Machilus japonica var. kusanoi ASS. (6).Ficus irisana-Machilusjaponica var. kusanoi ASS. (7).Helicia form osana-Machilus japonica var. kusanoi ASS. (8).Limlia uraiana-Cyclobalanopsis glauca var. glauca ASS. 4.Castanopsis cuspidata var. carlesii f. sessi/is ALL. (9).Machilus japonica var. kusanoi-Castanopsis cuspidata var. carlesii f. sessilis ASS. (10).Lindia uraiana-Castanopsis cuspidata var. carlesii f. sessilis ASS. (1i).Gordonia axillaries-Castanopsis cuspidata var. carlesii f. sessilis ASS. (12).Cyclobalanopsis pachyloma-Castanopsis cuspidata var. carlesii f. sessilis ASS. (13).Lasianthus fordii-Castanopsis cuspidata var. carlesii f sessilis ASS. 5.Castanopsis cuspidata var. carlesii ALL. (14).Archidendron lucidum-Castanopsis cuspidata var. carlesii ASS. (IIa2).Machilus japonica ORDER(Quercus zone, montane evergreen board-leaved forest) 6.Pasania kawakamij ALL. (15). Beilschmiedia erythrophloia-Phoebe form osana ASS. (16).Machilus japonica-Pasania kawakamii ASS. (17).Juglans cathayensis-Litsea elongata var. mushaensis ASS. (18).Schima superba-Pasania kawakamii ASS. 7.Cyclobalanopsis sessilifolia ALL. (19).Camellia brevislyla -Cyclobalanopsis sessilfo1ia ASS. lIb.Fagus hayatae SUBCLASS(Montane deciduous broad-leaved forest) (JIb).Fagus hayatae ORDER(Montane deciduous broad-leaved forest) 8.Fagus hayatae ALL, (20).Camellia brevislyla-Fagus hayatae ASS. III.Neolitsea acuminatissima CLASS (Coniferous forest formation) lila. Plagiogyriaformosana SUBCLASS(Upper montane coniferous forest) (IIIal).Chamaecyparis forest ORDER(Montane mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forest) 9.Chamaecyparisformosensis ALL.(Chamaecyparis forest) (21).Chamaecyparis form osensis ASS. 10.Chamaecyparis obtusa var. form osana ALL. (22).Cyclobalanopsis sessilifolia-Chamaecyparis obtusa var.formosana ASS. (23).Rhododendronformosanum-Chamaecyparis obtusa var. form osana ASS. (1I1a2).Tsuga chinensis var.formosana-Picea morrisonicola ORDER(Tsuga-Picea zone,Upper montane evergreen coniferous forest) 11.Tsuga chinensis var. formosana ALL. (24).Chamaecyparis obtusa var.formosana-Tsuga chinensis var.formosana ASS. (25).Ilex yunnanensis var. parvifolia-Tsuga chinensis var. form osana ASS.I 2.Picea morrisonicola ALL. (26).Litsea elongata var. mushaensis-Picea morrisonicola ASS. (27).Ilex bioritsensis-Picea niorrisonicola ASS. IlIb.Pinus taiwanesis SUBCLASS(Upper montane evergreen pine forest) (Illb).Pinus taiwanesis ORDER(Upper montane evergreen pine forest) 13.Pinus taiwanesis ALL. (28).Pseudotsuga wilsoniana-Finns taiwanesis ASS. IIIc.Abies kawakatnü SUBCLASS(Subalpine coniferous forest) (IIIc).Abies kawakamii ORDER(Subalpine evergreen coniferous forest) 14.Abies kawakamii ALL. (29).Chimaphilajaponica-Abies kawakamii ASS. (30). Yushania niitakayamensis Abies kawakamii ASS. IV.Deschampsiafiexuosa CLASS(Subalpine scrub formation) (IV1). Yushania niitakayamensis ORDER(Subalpine evergreen dwarf bamboo scrub) 15.Rosa transmorrisonensis ALL. (31).Veratrum formosanum -Yushania niitakayamensis ASS. (1V2).Juniperus squamata ORDER (Subalpine evergreen coniferous scrub) 16.Juniperus squamata ALL. (32).Rhododendron hyperythrum-Juniperus squamata ASS. The above results suggest that the plant communities were mainly differentiated by altitude and topography. The vegetation ranges from Coastal vegetation of seashore, through Montane broad-leaved forest formation, Coniferous forest formation of high altitude, to Subalpine scrub formation. This study provides a methodology for processing a large data set of phytosociology of Lanyang River Valley. Although 235 stands has been analyzed in this study, yet more stands should be investigated in the future to cover all existent vegetation, including pioneer vegetation and wetland vegetation, and to complete the vegetation mapping of the whole region.
