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篇名 牟宗三先生蕺山學之探討──以〈對於評斥朱子理氣為二者之衡定〉一文為核心
卷期 37:5=432
並列篇名 Exploration on Mou Tsung-San’s Ji Shan Theory ─Focusing on the Article “Review on the Criticism of Chu Hsi Li Chi as Binary”
作者 蔡家和
頁次 65-85
關鍵字 二元超越的分解喜怒哀樂LiTranscendent DivisionJoyessBinaryAngerChiSorrow and HappinA&HCI
出刊日期 201005




This article explores Mr. Mou’s criticism on Ji Shan’sinaccurate understanding on Chu Hsi theory. It studyies Mr. Mou’ article
and develops the second introduction, with main concern on whether the
division of Li Chi binary of Chu His theory is inaccurate. Does Ji Shan’s
criticism on the transcendent division become declining study because of
losing the idealism? We further elaborate the importance and priority of
Li and Chi and discuss if Li is simply the predicate of Chi. With regard
to Li and Chi, which is the reality and which is the name? Does Chu Hsi
theory or Ji Shan Theory meet the original intention of the Confucianists
of Chin Dynasty? Does Mr. Mou have the corresponding understanding
on Ji Shan’s thoughts?
