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篇名 應用衝突管理於策略規劃之研究-南投縣內湖國小遷校個案
卷期 19:1
並列篇名 A Research on Strategic Planning by Applying the Theory of Conflict Management-Relocation of Nay-Hu Elementary School in Nan-Tou County Case Study
作者 陳基發李國忠邱祈榮
頁次 25-41
關鍵字 forest lands managementstrategic planningconflict management林地管理策略規劃衝突管理
出刊日期 200503




This study applied the theory of conflict management and strategic planning to manage national forest lands with a case study-the relocation of Nay-Hu elementary school in Nan-Tou County The dynamics of conflict event was classified using the term "four stages of a conflict episode": (1) latent conflict, (2) perceived conflict/felt conflict, (3) manifest conflict, and (4) conflict aftermath By applying a seven-step model for strategic regulatory planning: (1) problem recognition, (2) identification of parties, (3) historical analysis. (4) situation analysis, (5) strategic regulation, (6) ex ante review, and (7) ex post review/revision, the model encourages policymakers to approach regulation through a tactical, step-by-step process and to link policy formulation with implementation.
