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篇名 森林生態系經營示範區鳥類群聚監測
卷期 19:2
並列篇名 Monitoring Avian Community Composition in Forest Ecosystem Management Demonstration Areas
作者 袁孝維丁宗蘇盧道杰謝欣怡
頁次 77-87
關鍵字 bird communitiesecosystem managementbiodiversity烏類群聚生物多樣性生態系經營
出刊日期 200506




Maintaining biodiversity is a primary goal of forest ecosystem management and different forest districts, based on their characteristics, may adjust their specific aims of biodiversity conservation. We investigated bird communities within various habitat types in Tawu Division of Taitung Forest District and Pahsienshan Division of Dongshih District. Results showed that bird species richness and abundance in broadleaf forests and mixed forests was higher than nearby monocultural plantations and the differences in species richness and abundance, in our opinion, was mainly because that broadleaf forests and mixed forests had more complex horizontal and vertical structures. We suggest that appropriate mingling of silvicultural plantations and natural broadleaf forests would benefit both timber production and biodiversity conservation.
