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篇名 從事兒少保護業務社會工作者強制通報責任規範之檢討
卷期 13
並列篇名 The Discussion about Mandatory Reporting Regulation of Social Workers in Child and Adolescent Protection Matters
作者 何明晃
頁次 30-41
關鍵字 社會工作者強制通報倫理衝突專業倫理social workersprofessionalethicsmandatoryreportingethicsconflict
出刊日期 200811





While working with the legal system, the social worker plays various roles in accordance with the degree of involvement. To many first-line social workers, the case informer seems to be the most troublesome among these various roles. In order to establish the protective net finding out the victims and intervening the situation in the early stage, the legislator craft a mandatory reporting regulation commanding the first-line social worker to report any suspicious instant. Failed to comply with the law is subjected to penalty. Such law may be in conflict with professional ethics and the client's right of autonomy. It argues that such contradiction and conflict putting the first-line social worker in a predicament is the result of reprehensive legal regulation. Thus, this paper first discusses the legal foundations of the current mandatory reporting regulation. Then it examines the causes of predicaments in the real world practice. Finally, it provides some theoretical suggestions for mending of the current regulation and evoking serious discussion from the social workers, educators and the legislatives alike.

Keywords : 、ethicsconflict

